Monday, December 22, 2014


Something you should know about me is I have a boyfriend. He is eighteen and one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I am not going to use his real name but a fake name (I will do this for everyone I write about) his will be Hideo. 

I met him at a driver's education class the summer before last and we've been dating ever since. He is a great guy, really smart and funny. He's a senior and I'm a junior. This used to really freak me out. I used to think that because he would go to college a year before me he might not want a highschool girlfriend. But Hideo is not that kind of guy. He is the kind of guy who really thinks of things before acting on them. He would not just leave me because I'm a year behind him. That's silly. Any way we've been dating since August 2013. Almost a year and a half! 

I really believe we're going to make it and get married, but I don't really know. Anything could happen. I'm not saying that in a pessimistic way either. I'm saying it because I do believe I should not limit myself to thinking of only one future situation. I should prepare for anything. 

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